Dezember 2023: Best At Christmas

Jolene Patchell

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In the silence of the snowfall, with the lights so low,
silent carols leave my mouth, of peace and goodwill.
Every candle and each prayer gives my faith foundation
in the echo of the bells and the sound of snow so still
it's so silent
all noise gone
and then I see
some lights in the dark

oh you shine so bright on Christmas
we celebrate your birth Jesus
my home town is best at Christmas
I feel at peace the most on these days

In the sacred moment of a holy night
love begins to fill my long forgotten heart
we all dream of a better vision for tomorrow
it's not just about the good old songs
where is community when it's not here
where is the idea of sharing when not with all of you

oh you shine so bright on Christmas
we celebrate your birth Jesus
in my church it’s best at Christmas
I feel at peace the most on these days

it’s all about
the feelings that I had
and things may change
but I take this way back home


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